With the gold rush in full bloom, Clark, Burger & Company setup their office essentially to allow miners to turn in their gold to have it minted into coins. As a sidebar, if you ever hear the term “Fifty-Niner”, that comes from the Colorado Gold Rush as those who arrived in 1859 were referred to by the moniker. The largest rush into what is now Colorado was in 1859 when an estimated 100,000 gold seekers arrived to try to find their way way to wealth. The Colorado Gold Rush, which is also known as the Pike’s Peak Gold Rush, was from approximately July 1858 and lasted until the founding of the Colorado Territory in 1861. Shortly after that founding, in 1859, the Clark, Burger & Company opened a office in Denver at the beginning of the Colorado Gold Rush. It was there that Austin Clark, Milton Clark, and Emanuel Gruber founded a brokerage firm. The story of the Denver Mint begins in 1858, not in Denver but in Leavenworth, Kansas. Pre-Mint Days: The Clark, Gruber & Company In this Coin History article, we will take a look at the history of the Denver Mint, from its humble beginnings to the coin producing powerhouse that it is today. But all that changed on Februand now the location is the largest producer of coins in the world, not just the United States. While the Mint has had a Denver location since 1863 – 159 years – the location started off small and essentially a depot for gold found by minders during the Colorado Gold Rush.

For the past one hundred and sixteen years, the United States Mint has struck coins at its Denver, Colorado facility.